Bounty Mum-to-Be Pack - REVIEW

Thursday, May 28, 2015

So, after putting it off for literally months I finally got my hands on the Bounty Mum to Be Pack. It's a free pack that purports to be "stuffed with try-before-you-buy samples, plus lots of money off coupons" and is available from Boots, ASDA or Superdrug with a voucher found in some Pregnancy Information Folders that you get from your midwife. If, like me, your pack is devoid of this little voucher you can get one by signing up to the Bounty website. 

So having allowed Wes to be manly and rip the bag open ala the incredible hulk, there looked to be a hell of a lot inside...

And there was. Sort of. 

 It's a lot of paperwork. A big Babies R Us catalogue, an eyewatering amount of money off vouchers and coupons for all sorts of weird and wonderful things, gift certificates for freebies (be warned, these freebies have a post all to themselves so don't get that excited yet) and well, very little in the way of actual samples, which made me a little bit sad. 

So let me start with the few samples that we did get:

  • A Pregnacare Pen - it's the usual fare for free pens, but it's now sat on my desk at work and writes pretty nicely for a freebie. No complaints here, but a sample of the actual vitamins would have probably been as useful. 
  • A Boots Baby Size 2 Nappy - just the one nappy. I haven't opened it but a thorough inspection of the packet revealed no further freebies or anything like it. There might be a money off voucher on the paper sleeve, which might come in useful if you like the brand. I'm not sure one nappy is enough to convince me to spend a lot of money on them though, so let's hope they're competitively priced. I'd have liked more than one, but I'm pretty greedy. 
  • Persil Non Bio & Comfort Pure - two sachets of laundry stuff! One of Persil's Non Bio detergent and one of Comfort Pure fabric softener. There's also £1 off each of these valid until March next year, which is a nice little Brucey bonus. If they smell good, I'm in for sure. 
  • The teeniest, tiniest pot of Sudocrem I have ever seen - Wes has in fact claimed the cute little pot of the good stuff for himself. He doesn't use it, he just thinks it's adorable. I'm fairly sure there's a pot of Sudocrem in my mum's house that's as old as my youngest sister (who is fifteen) so this little pot will probably still last you a couple of uses and frankly is the best thing in this bag, bar none. 

Annnnnd that's it. For the samples. For a pack that's 'stuffed' with samples, I have to admit I'm pretty disappointed. They're going in the baby box nonetheless but come on, you stingy sods. Thought you wanted my custom!

Oh, the money off vouchers? There are SO many. Mainly for nominal amounts off massively expensive things that I don't need, no matter how demanding my baby is - a select few include:

£25 off your first order at Hello Fresh. A box starts at £36.00, which is three meals for two in the vegetarian box. Personally, I'd rather go to the supermarket, but if you're into it, it's a decent saving. Be warned that this signs you up to a rolling weekly contract, so be careful if you're wanting to be savvy and only buy the one box. 

£20 off your first order at Ocado, with a free midweek delivery pass worth £69.99. Whilst I think £70 to get your shopping delivered is a bit steep to begin with, if you ever fancied using Ocado for your shopping this is a brilliant deal to take advantage of. There's a minimum spend of £80 for the first shop to qualify for £20 off, but it's still a 25% saving so it all helps. It's the only voucher I am in danger of using, but I can't help but think that even at £20 off, I can probably get the entire shop cheaper elsewhere. 

£16 off the Introductory Collection at Hotel Chocolat. This isnt' for me, because I can't stand fancy chocolate. Give me the cheap stuff any day, because my tastebuds can't deal with rich, decadent stuff. The £16 off makes the collection £6.95. Again, unless you tell them you don't want to sign up it's a subscription to a four weekly chocolate delivery service, which is £22.95 a month, so be careful!

Other places you can pick up discounts include Sassy Bloom, Faye & Lou, Graze, Photobox and Abel & Cole

So is it worth the trip to Boots, ASDA or Superdrug?

Honestly? Only when you're already going for other stuff. It's daft not to get it if you're already in there for the sake of printing off a form, but it's almost like junk mail in a bag - the Sudocrem is pretty cute but apart from that, the samples are just okay and the 'Gift Certificates' (see previous post on these here) completely ruined it for me and soured my perception of it. 

You get the Bounty Newborn Pack in the hospital once your new arrival is here. Maybe that's where they keep the good stuff. 

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